Return & Refund Policy

Returns Policy

If your product is defective / damaged or incorrect / incomplete at the time of delivery, please contact us within the applicable return window. Your product may be eligible for refund or replacement depending on the product category and condition.

Valid Reasons to Return an item

1. Delivered Product is damaged (physically destroyed or broken) / defective (dead on arrival)
2. Delivered Product is incorrect (presentation different on website) / incomplete (missing parts)

Conditions for Returns

1. The product must be unused, unworn, unwashed and without any flaws
2. The product must include the original tags, user manual, warranty cards, freebies and accessories
3. The product must be returned in the original and undamaged manufacturer packaging / box.

Cancellation and Refund Policy


You may cancel your order at no cost any time before the item is dispatched to you. Offer Zone also retains unqualified right to cancel any order at its sole discretion prior to dispatch and for any reason which may include, but not limited to, the product being mispriced, out of stock, expired, defective, malfunctioned, and containing incorrect information or description arising out of technical or typographical error or for any other reason.

Refund Timeline

If any order is canceled, the payment against such order shall be refunded within 10 working days, but it may take longer time in exceptional cases.

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Offer Zone BD is a service marketplace that collaborates deals & discounts from online/offline, small to large, urban to rural merchants for customers. It’s a unique online discount aggregator brand in Bangladesh where customers and merchants connect with each other.

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